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I saw milkyway, nebula, and my constellation by nake eyes [MayMeng ] 于2005-11-29 12:40:01发布 My place is very good at watching stars, the light is rare and the air is very clear.
For the first time in my life, I saw a nebula called as pleiades, milky way, and my own constellation Taurus by nake eyes here.
It was so amazing!!!!! The whole universe is just in front tof you!!!!!!
[MayMeng ] 于2005-11-29 12:45:46 回复:
This is just the picture of the nebula I have seen by nake eyes.My beautiful pleiades!!!!!!!! Its just in Taurus
[MayMeng ] 于2005-11-29 12:48:03 回复:
This just like the milkyway I saw
[MayMeng ] 于2005-11-29 12:50:22 回复:
This is just the chart of Taurus in the sky, those small spots gather together on the top right is just nebula pleiades as show in the first pictures
[冷艳无双 ] 于2005-11-29 14:31:53 回复:
[御伽的兔子 ] 于2005-11-29 15:04:31 回复:
Really beautiful.....amazing....
[御伽的兔子 ] 于2005-11-29 15:10:17 回复:
第一年来新加坡的时候,经常跟男朋友在洋房后面的小花园里荡秋千,看星星,好舒服,空气好好,星星好多哦,还有隔壁的小狐狸出来散步, 这里的晚上可以看见很多星星,我已经很就没去荡秋千了,不过星星照看......后来我同学参加了天文社,带回来很多好看的星星图片,还有一个圆盘,说是星空,可以转换角度,所有的星座都上面,还有标识南北纬的度数,让你认识大半个宇宙吧...反正觉得好有意思,有次他们去新加坡的一个外岛,那边看星星还要好看,还要多,空气好的关系把~.....在上海从没看过这么多星星,星星少得可怜,找都找不到...不过我还是喜欢上海,呵呵
[冷艳无双 ] 于2005-11-29 19:38:16 回复:
[牙疼的D ] 于2005-12-02 11:16:47 回复:
[tuna ] 于2005-12-02 11:54:47 回复:
[月牙狼 ] 于2005-12-03 18:08:01 回复:
[爱咪阿秋 ] 于2005-12-03 18:09:19 回复:
so so so so so 好看
[MayMeng ] 于2005-12-04 16:09:52 回复:
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