I'd suggest people read every article here before they comment on pet hoarding. Know more before you start to talk.
This section deals with animal hoarding/collecting. and puppy (and kitten) mills because I feel there is a fine line between them. I believe some mills may grow out of the person's collecting or hoarding of animals. Obviously, both share the same end result...large numbers of animals suffering needlessly because of poor care.
What is Animal Hoarding/Collecting?
"Hoarding" or "Collecting" is a psychological disorder. It occurs when animal lovers or rescuers take on more animals than they can manage or are for; thus, they unintentionally become passive abusers themselves. Hoarding can becomes both a cruelty issue and a public safety (health) issue.
"For years it(pet hoarding) is been perceived as an animal welfare issue(so called social problem about animal welfare), and left for the shelters to handle by themselves," Patronek says. "The human [side of the problem] has been largely ignored."
很多年以来,宠物囤积现在一直被认为是一个动物福利相关的社会问题,并且把这些问题留给庇护所和动物保护组织去解决,Patronek 说,囤积宠物问题中人的因素被很大的忽略了。
Some number comes out about one research, they may give us guides of this kind of problem.
76 percent of hoarders were female.
46 percent were 60 years of age or older.
About half lived alone.
The animals were most frequently cats, dogs, farm animals and birds.
The median number of animals per case was 39, but four cases involved more than 100 in a single household.
In 80 percent of the cases, animals were found dead or in poor condition.
Extrapolating from his data, the author estimated that 700 to 2,000 such cases occur in the United States annually.
Unfortunately, the public often supports collectors' addictions with sympathy, money, and more animals, because it sounds ideal to "save" animals from being killed. The collector may become known as the neighborhood "cat person" or "dog person," collecting strays and taking in "drop-offs." Some have acquired nonprofit, tax-exempt status and call themselves shelters. (8)
Collectors' claims that they are "saving" animals often result in heartwarming news stories that stand in stark contrast to the negligent treatment the animals actually receive. If a cruelty investigation is undertaken, collectors attract sympathy from a public unaware that the "care" being provided is, in reality, unspeakable neglect and cruelty.
不幸的是,公众常用同情,钱和更多的动物支持收集动物上瘾的人,因为拯救生命听起来相当动人,收集动物的人可能被邻居们称呼为 "cat person" or "dog person," 他们收集流浪的,或者别人扔到他这里的动物。这些人中的一些,甚至获得了非盈利免税待遇的收容所地位。
Dangerous Denial
Collectors also commonly display an abnormal fear of death and a denial of death as a natural part of life. A PETA investigator found dead cats in one collector's freezer. Another collector, also unable to accept the death of her cats, eviscerated their bodies and dried them on her fire escape, keeping their dried remains in cupboards. (6) Many collectors see themselves as the only person who can help animals, and they distrust other individuals or groups who offer assistance. When outsiders intervene, collectors may refuse to part with any of their animals, even through adoption or veterinary care for the sick. When one collector's dogs were seized, she fought to keep them from receiving heartworm treatment. (7)
本材料为世界动物保护协会World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)的动物保护组织工作指导材料,由CCAPN成员“杭州流浪猫救助平台”提供,Chinese Companion Animal Protection Network (CCAPN) 若干成员协同翻译成稿,旨在为CCAPN各地成员工作提供有权威有价值的工作建议,在告知CCAPN的前提下可以供CCAPN成员在团体内部传播,传播本文请保持本材料完整。
开始着手建立和管理一个动物庇护所可能是一项昂贵的事业。 美国慈善协会Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)建议,在考虑建设之前, 应保证基金能够满足庇护所第一年的经营费。 并且,这项事业注定充满了困难与挫折。即使是富有经验的,有良好资金准备的动物保护协会也在不断从他们自己的错误中摸索学习。
许多动物保护组织视庇护所为解决被遗弃宠物问题的唯一办法。一些组织在没有资金与经验,并且缺乏稳固长远的计划与操作程序时,就开始着手庇护所的建设和管理。结果通常是损失惨重的; 动物保护组织将它所有的资源到庇护所里, 却没有剩余的资源用于开展其他的更重要的工作,比如人道主义教育和活动, 推动立法,和宣传。
遗憾的是,就全国范围内的影响来看,庇护所在改善动物福利方面所取得的成果通常是很小的。而庇护所里动物的福利也常常因为协会缺乏经验和资金而大打折扣。疾病,拥挤,群落冲突,笼舍不足,缺乏锻炼等问题比比皆是。而且如果狗在庇护所住得太久,它们会难以再适应家庭中的生活。在一些动物保护组织中有反安乐死政策,这使得庇护所里很快就挤满了没法重新被领养的动物。之后,庇护所在改善那些仍在外流浪的动物的困境方面,便无能为力了。如果你想要帮助改善流浪动物的境遇,你不一定要有一个庇护所。 有其他的方式可以帮助它们。下面是一些例子:
1. 教育和宣传活动
准备一些关于养宠物主责任的传单和教育材料。许多动物保护组织都有现存的这方面的文字材料, 可以作为范本参考制作自己的宣传材料。 内容可以从照顾宠物的简单指导,到推广绝育乃至探讨人类对宠物的责任的哲学思考。要为这些材料应该被在尽可能多的渠道传播--特别是在宠物医院,以及宠物登记注册的机构。在电视,广播,报纸和杂志等媒体上推广如“做负责主人”和“人与动物的紧密关系”这样的信息。如果当地有政府主办的流浪动物控制管理机构,要确保把教育材料提供给每个希望重新认养回自己的狗的人们。并且要努力在学校和各种年轻人的群体中传播这些理念。
搞宣传活动也是一个良好的教育工具。由醒目的视觉图象,以及印有宣传内容T shirt,海报等等构成的集会或游行将能够引起公众的注意,甚至是媒体的报道。生动的视觉形象常常能给人们留下深刻的印象。
WSPA(World SOciety for the Protection of Animals)是一个具有联合国咨询组织地位的动物保护组织。总部在英国,是世界上最大的动物保护组织联邦,是全球动物保护组织的“联合国”。 WSPA目前在世界各地有超过460多个的成员组织,通过扶持世界各地的本土成员组织在世界范围内改善动物福利的状况,并且在世界范围内制定动物福利的统一标准。
A couple of people reported that because of their hoarding (one lady has over 400 dogs), they are divorced, have sold their homes and are trying to cope in their poverty to continue to take care of these animals. These people received rounds of applause for their sacrifices, while I was stunned that many of these organization representatives didn't seem to understand that hoarding is a terrible problem and that it can still remain the animals that suffer despite the hoarders thinking they are "saving" animals. Some of these representatives don't believe in neutering animals, euthanizing sick animals, or that sick animals need to be kept in isolation, etc. etc. ! Ultimately, it once again proves that you can put 32 organizations in one room, all claiming to care about animal welfare, and there are easily 32 different opinions!
文中pet hoarding就是宠物囤积
而且把这些话讨论开去有利于防止未来人重蹈覆辙,更多猫被卷入,国内媒体目前对于囤积的问题的报道鼓励过多,有可能导致更多人走上这种错误的救援道路。 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-27 13:39:13编辑过]