The Dept of Zoology at the University of Marburg in Germany has been told by its local council to stop animal experiments in classes; Nature 365 (1993),
6-7. A recent US government report suggests that animal activist attacks may have peaked, though they tend to be more willing to target individuals; Science 262 (1993), 34.
The animal rights group People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently opened offices in Europe, and has a staff of 70 people in the USA; Science 262 (1993),
Recent research on the study of the primate mind is in Science 262 (1993), 1517. Chimpanzees can use Arabic numbers to count. On tool use by wild chimps, Nature 367 (1994),
The debate on German animal protection laws is discussed in Nature 368 (1994), 487. A paper criticising the US guidelines is W. Stephenson, "Deficiencies in the NIH's Guidelines for the Care and protection of Laboratory Animals", J. Med. & Phil. 18 (1993), 375-88. A report from Tufts University in the USA reports a fall in the use of animals in research by about 20-50% In Europe since the 1970s, and about 25% in the USA since 1985; Nature 368 (1994),The Netherlands is said to be seeking guidelines for a code for animal euthanasia, following its codified human euthanasia; Japan Times (1 July 1994),In Japan a model New Zealand white rabbit is being made for use in medical education; Yomiuri Shimbun (3 Sept 1994), 34. It will sell at Y68,000, and blood can be taken from the ear, it passes urine, and has some other "live" features. A review is M. Balls, "Replacement of animal procedures: alternatives in research, education and testing", Laboratory Animals 28: 193-211. It also discusses EC laws changes which help the move to alternatives. Other papers on alternatives include M.F.W. Festing, "Reduction of animal use: experimental design and quality of experiments", Laboratory Animals 28: 212-221.The US Navy is debating what to do with a surplus 25 dolphins and 5 sea lions that were trained for the military. They will either be cared for until they die or retrained to live in the wild and released, New Scientist (25 June 1994), 5.In the UK a gag order was made by a London High Court to prevent the listing of a scientist's address and telephone number in an antivivisection newsletter, Science 265 (1994), 870-1. This is protection of personal data, and many other animal rights persons support the ban on publishing personal data. Letters on experimental animals are Nature 370 (1994), 408; Lancet 343 (1994), 1574, and a book review, JAMA 272 (1994), 75-6. In the UK the RSPCA is to start giving pork and chicken a label "Freedom Food", to represent that they are made from animals that have not suffered stress, New Scientist (9 July 1994),4. The problem may be that other research in the USA has found that many pigs find many behaviour of humans to be offensive, such as slapping rumps. Friendly pats and strokes increase litter sizes and relieve stress. Of course the farmer who wants quality meat will not stress animals. Studies of the risks of death and eating meat suggest some advantages in not eating meat, but it is uncertain whether it is really the lack of meat, BMJ 308 (1994), 1667-71. A very interesting frog dissection is available on the Internet, with interactive responses, and some short videos available: "http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/~insttech/frog/". It is the time of experiment that can save frogs, and is provided free from the University of Virginia.
The use of DNA fingerprinting to show that some illegal species were sold in Japanese supermarkets is in Baker, C.S. & Palumbi, S.R. "Which whales are hunted? A molecular genetic approach to monitoring whaling", Science 265 (1994), 1538-9; Time (31 Oct), 49. Experiments on response and learning suggest that sheep and pigs are more intelligent than dogs, goats or rabbits; New Scientist (12 Nov 1994), 52-3.A group of European scientists who use animals for research has grouped together to counter animal rights protesters, Science 266: 1327; Nature 372 (1995), 6. The local government of Hessen, one of the 16 Lander in Germany, continues to call for a ban to the use of animals in teaching; Nature 372 (1995), 584.A group of European scientists who use animals for research has grouped together to counter animal rights protesters, Science 266: 1327; Nature 372 (1995), 6. The local government of Hessen, one of the 16 Lander in Germany, continues to call for a ban to the use of animals in teaching; Nature 372 (1995), 584.In a protest action against a golf course in Japan, a court case on behalf of four species of wild animals was brought, but the court rejected it saying that they needed to have names, and addresses, Yomiuri Shimbun (8 March 1995), 1; (9 March 1995), 35. At the International Whaling Commission meeting in May a resolution calling for the cessation of lethal "experiments" on whales was passed by a vote of 21 to 6, especially aimed at Norway and Japan; Nature 375 (1995), 440. Meanwhile in Nature, the Institute of Cetacean Research in Tokyo put a one page advertisement on Nature to argue for allowing whaling. The airline Lufthansa has decided to stop primate shipments, Science 268 (1995), 963. In 1994 they shipped 5700 monkeys, more than any other carrier. Most were sent to the USA. British Airways and several other European airways have already ceased transport. A NASA animal research lab has been criticised, leading to a 6 week ban on experiments, Science 268 (1995), 1692. In Japan, a survey of 79 health centres about the use of stray dogs and cats for research found that 40 had stopped or greatly reduced the transfer of their animals to researchers, instead using euthanasia, and 14 others had completely stopped providing researchers with strays; Asahi Shimbun (2 Sept 1995), 38.A study that describes the sharing of food, and punishment for not sharing, in chimpanzees that suggests that they also have morality is reported in NS (17 Feb 1996),
Plans to put rhesus monkeys into space for studies of the effects of two weeks of weightlessness are being criticized widely as irrelevant (given that humans spend much longer in space) and an ethics committee is examining them, NS (4 May 1996),A conference review from the use of animals in biomedical research is in JAMA 276 (1996), 87-8. And a pharmaceutical company, Pharmagene has decided to end all animal experiments, and to continue testing on leftover tissue from human operations, NS (31 August 1996), 4. They claim that there is so much human genetic information that animal experiments are not required. Animal rights groups in the USA are seeking a retirement home for 1500 chimpanzees (they can live to about 55 years old). Also on animal experiments see ATLA 23 (1995), 284-6, 289-92, 306-11, 312-6, 318-31, 607-14, 828-36. On validation of toxicity tests, ATLA 23 (1995), 139-42, 398-409; Toxic., in Vitro 9 (1995), 815-9, 851-6.
In recent years the number of animals used in research has dropped substantially, with a 35% drop in the United States in the past decade, and even more dramatic reductions in Europe. The Netherlands has taken the lead on alternatives to animal testing and has slashed the number of animals used by some 60% since 1978. Dutch law requires classes in animal welfare and consideration of alternative methods, which researchers say can be time-consuming but don't unduly impede research, Science 274 (1996), 168-71. [此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-24 14:20:44编辑过]