Vegetarians and vegans in the UK - Scientific update: a review of recent scientific papers related to vegetarianism - Brief Article
Vegetarian Journal, July-August, 2003 by Reed Mangels
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A large study of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians (use eggs and/or dairy products), and vegans in Europe is being conducted. More than 500,000 people are participating in this study. A recent report looked at around 65,000 subjects from the United Kingdom.
Here are some of the findings:
a) 38 percent of vegan women aged 40 and older had no children; 16 percent of meat-eating women over 40 had no children.
b) Meat-eating women aged 50 and older were much more likely to have used hormone replacement therapy than vegan women.
c) Vegans were the leanest of the four groups; fish-eaters and vegetarians were intermediate; and meat-eaters had the highest body mass index. Very few vegans were obese.
d) Vegans had higher intakes of carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, and fiber and lower intakes of protein and saturated fats. Total fat intake was only slightly different among the groups and averaged 31 percent of total calories.
e) Vegans had higher intakes of thiamin, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, and iron and lower intakes of vitamin [B.sub.12], vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. Vitamin [B.sub.12] and calcium intake among vegans were below recommendations, although intakes may actually be a bit higher because some fortified foods may not have been included in the analysis and supplements were not included.
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